Human Homework - Hip External Rotation Training – Ekaminhale
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Human Homework - Hip External Rotation Training

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One of my projects this year has been applying the FRC/Kinstretch System to the asana practice. In this first video I’m doing PAILs and RAILs for hip external rotation in a common variation for any half Lotus postures. First I move actively by bring crossing the leg on top without using my hands. I then create a stretch on the outer hip by tilting my pelvis forward/lifting the tail bone to the sky and keeping the lumbar spine in extension by moving forward and not down. The PAILs effort here is to attempt to internally rotate the top leg by pressing the ankle down into the other thigh. Starting at 20 percent effort and incrementally ramping up the tension to 90 percent - always maintaining a safe, pain free effort. The RAILs effort is then to switch the action and to externally rotate the thigh attempting to lift the ankle away from the opposite thigh. I get more bang for my buck by adding in wrist extension PAILs and RAILs while bringing the hands into prayer 🙏🏼. Then I do a passive range hold by slowly straightening the standing leg until I find the point where I can actively hold the top leg without letting it drop down. For good measure I added in a Hawaiian 🌺 Squat to challenge my balance, knees and ankles. PAILs and RAILs For jump backs involves pulling the legs and torso tightly together. The PAILs here would be attempting to escape the position by kicking the legs into the hands - starting at 20 percent and then ramping it up until you’re kicking as hard as you can - but the hands are winning. The RAILs effort is to do the opposite- try to pull your feet off your hands and pull the legs and torso closer together using your hip flexors and abs. Then it’s time for a passive range hold which means slowly releasing the hands but fighting as hard as you can not to lose any of the compression- in other words keep the thighs and torso touching. Then we break down the various parts of the jump back - first move actively into a cross legged compression and lift to a cross leg V-Sit. Then cross leg L-sit. Finally put all this together with an explosive movement lifting up to a momentary V-Sit and use this lift and momentum to swing

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