Supta Kurmasana - Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series – Ekaminhale
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Supta Kurmasana - Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series

Supta Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose) 

Drishti Nasagra

Astau 8 Exhale - Grab your hands behind your back

Nava 9 Inhale - Cross your feet behind your head or in front of you if behind your head is not possible. Breath 5 Times

Dasha 10 Inhale lift up 


Ekadasha 11 inhale - bring your legs around to Bakasana 

Dvadasha 12 exhale - jump back to Chatarunga

Trayodasa 13 inhale - Upward facing dog

Caturdasa 14 exhale - Downward facing dog