What's Missing in Yoga Webinar Pt 1
After 18 years of a daily yoga practice I’ve come to the conclusion that what is missing from yoga is more important that what is there.
When people first start like myself they have no way of knowing what should be there but isn't. Even most of the teachers don’t know.
The result is that they experience very little of the potential benefits yoga can offer. In this webinar I will tell the story of how I discovered one of the most important pieces missing in modern yoga by following "my golden thread".
This insight has the potential to create a complete paradigm shift in your practice.
Including making the the closure of yoga studios from the Government response to Covid a benefit to your practice. Sign up below to join (20 spots available)
Clinton Griffiths Owner of Ekaminhale

Clint has been practicing and teaching Ashtanga Yoga for over 18 years. He is Authorized Level 2 from Sharath Jois in Mysore India. He has apprenticed under Fiona Stang of Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver for 5 years. Clint dedicates his time studying body mechanics, mobility and joint health and has received his FRC certification (Functional Range Conditioning).