"If I were asked to single out one of the benefits of this practice that perpetuates my desire to get to my mat each day, I would without doubt choose empowerment." - Krista Shirley
During conferences, Guruji would almost always speak of the importance of children and having a family. I used to laugh about the idea. Now I’m sorry that I never had the opportunity to thank Guruji for planting those seeds in my heart. If it weren’t for Guruji’s presence, I don’t know that I’d have been able to hold the space in my life for all that I have now. I wish that Guruji could have met my son.
I’ve had a wonderful journey so far, and I treasure all of my experiences. But if I had to choose just a few things to share with new Ashtanga practitioners, here is what I would say:
1. Love yourself where you are
2. Don’t take yourself too seriously
3. Go to India as soon as you can
4. Don’t question; just do
5. Take your day of rest each week
6. Bring awareness to your latissimus dorsi muscles in nearly every asana. For women this is an especially vital understanding.
7. Wash your feet before you take practice, everyday.

Women who commit to a daily Ashtanga Yoga practice gain strength, balance, coordination, agility, flexibility, focus, discipline, mental and physical awareness, compassion, non-attachment, truthfulness, and empowerment, to name just a few of the benefits of consistent daily practice over a long period of time. In addition, the practice detoxifies the internal organs, balances the nervous system, cultivates respect for yourself and others, and becomes a moving meditation.
If I were asked to single out one of the benefits of this practice that perpetuates my desire to get to my mat each day, I would without doubt choose empowerment. I believe that through this daily practice, we are empowering ourselves to be able to harness the greatest parts of ourselves and be the best women, mothers, sisters, wives, teachers and businesswomen we possibly can be.
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Krista Shirley is a dedicated student, practitioner and Authorized Level II teacher of traditional Ashtanga yoga. She was introduced to this practice in 2003 and immediately embraced it as a daily part of her life because she was magnetically drawn to the healing this practice provides. For the last twelve years Krista has rolled her mat out each day because it is such an intrinsic part of who she is. Ashtanga Yoga has given Krista health and wellness, comfort, stability, peace, mindfulness and an outlet to work on herself and help others. To find out more about Krista you can visit her website at kristashirley.com or follow her on Instagram at @kristayogini