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4 Components Necessary to Learning Yoga - Jeff and Harmony Lichty Interview Part 3

What you will learn from watching this video from Authorized and Certified Ashtanga Teachers Jeff and Harmony Lichty of Calgary Ashtanga School: 1. The four components necessary for learning yoga (or anything really) 2. How Yoga is taught differently in India compared to the West 3. What quality to cultivate to maintain a lifelong practice.  Ready? Click play to see the video

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How do you become a Certified Ashtanga Teacher? Jeff and Harmony Lichty Interview Part 1

Many  people are unfamiliar with how students become Authorized and then in very rare instances Certified Ashtanga Teachers.  (As of March 27th there were only 47 Certified teachers in the world and only 17 of those are women) it goes something like this. You practice . Somewhere around 10 -15 years in most cases.  You make multiple trips to KPJAYI in Mysore so Sharath can see you practice.

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