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Part 3 of 3: Greg Nardi and Juan Carlos - The Samskara of Limitless Potential

Mind. Blown. It's so cool when insights like this one Greg shared come out in an interview. Sitting around with each other talking about our experiences often someone will have an insight that just makes you see things in an entirely different way. Turn off all distractions and pay attention. Trust me. You will think differently in your practice tomorrow. This has nothing with being able to do a handstand. - Clint  Greg Nardi:  You know there is something that happens when you consistently do this daily practice. So where as maybe we initially come into it with this samskara thought habit of trying collect postures, when we come to our mat and we let go of that and we're open to...

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Part 2 of 3: Ekaminhale Interviews Greg Nardi and Juan Carlos - Managing Yoga and Relationship.

  In part 2 of this interview series with Authorized Level II Ashtanga Teacher Greg Nardi and his husband Juan Carlos, we talk about some of the challenges that come up in a  relationship when one person has been doing the practice much longer than the other. We also dwell on the subject of being sensitive to the cultural differences of being a same sex couple in India.We did go through a little bit of a teacher/student separation, which I think was very healthy for us as a couple.Greg: Yeah, I'd say that.Juan: It happened around the time I went to my Mysore for the first time. It became clear that I just needed a teacher who could just be my teacher....

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Part 1 of 3 Interviews: Authorized Level II Teacher Greg Nardi and his Husband Juan Carlos on Practice, Yoga and Relationship

    I actually think that the method really starts to take off for you when you become more independent in your practice. I think it's specifically designed in that way. In the beginning, of course, you do need a lot of attention as you're learning the series, and then you go through this process of refinement of your practice. But gradually you start to tap into the inner teacher, let's say. When you start to tap into that, then you get much more independent. It doesn't mean you're not aware of the room. It doesn't mean that you're not still in a relationship with the external teacher, but there's something else that grows inside of you, and that's, I...

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Yoga Therapy - How to Practice With Tight Shoulders

When you've been practicing for a while sometimes you're going to notice that some of the ghosts of your past, i.e. old injuries, old little tweaks. Depending what you did in your life, usually you have to work through them and this is a normal part of practice. It's okay. Do what you love to do, but make sure that the practice is used as a therapeutic tool, so that if you're doing other things you're supporting your body. Francesca's going to share her story on what she did in her younger years of life.

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What Makes a Good Yoga Teacher?

This video is taken from the Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver Documentary which you can view in it's entirety at the Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver Youtube Channel here. I wanted to share it with you this week because it really comes through in this video why Fiona and Greg teach yoga day in and day out. I see them both showing up to not only practice everyday but to teach as well. It's really hard work and you don't do it for the money. They explain what motivates them to keep sharing this practice and the only question I think you need to ask is "how can I find a teacher like this?"  

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