Many people are unfamiliar with how students become Authorized and then in very rare instances Certified Ashtanga Teachers. (As of March 27th there were only 47 Certified teachers in the world and only 17 of those are women)
it goes something like this. You practice . Somewhere around 10 -15 years in most cases.
You make multiple trips to KPJAYI in Mysore so Sharath can see you practice.
Petri Raisanen Part 1 I remember the first time I read the book Guruji. A collection of accounts on the life of Pattahbi Jois from his students. It gave me a glimpse into what kind of person he was and stoked the fire in me to dig deeper into Ashtanga Yoga. A lot of us never got the chance to meet Guruji but his memory lives on in the stories like these ones passed down from Petri Raisanen. I had the great pleasure of talking with Petri this March. In only an hour I learned so much from him. I'm not going to tell you anymore just do yourself a favour and turn off all distractions and enjoy Part 1...
Always a surprise when you find out what the person next to you in the shala does for a living outside the shala walls. I'm sure you've experienced that situation where you see someone maybe for months at your studio but never actually talk to them. One day you end up in conversation and learn their story which is usually nothing like you expected.
“You are so slow. You are a very lazy man.”
Not the first thing you want to hear when you start practicing Ashtanga but this isn’t customer service. A good teacher is going to tell you what you need to hear. Not necessarily what you want to.
Then the choice is yours. What do you do next?
Inspiration and Insight. Somewhere around the world at this very moment teachers are teaching yoga and students are practicing. They are making their spiritual life a priority. Their sadhana. It’s not always easy. They have bills to pay. Jobs to go to. Families to take care of. Still they do it. They show up and they practice. And insights occur......... When I approach people about doing interviews at first it was hard to describe how the Ekaminhale videos are different than a lot of what you see out there in regards to yoga. Then the words Inspiration and Insight came to mind. For me it was always the most interesting to talk about the experiences or realizations that come about...